About Me

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Winchester, United Kingdom
I have just finished my degree in Journalism and am very much looking forward to what is life going to bring me next. I believe that every opportunity in life brings new and valuable experiences and develops new skills and shapes personality and therefore is certainly worth making the best of.

Tuesday, 13 October 2009


Moj ulubiony, piszac "papierowy romans" siedzialam w pociagu bylo mroznie ale czarujaco. Na przeciwko mnie, na siedzeniu, lezala gazeta ,zwykla poranna, jednak jakze magiczna zarazem. W momencie gdy padl na nia promien wschodzacego slonca, ujawila mi sie w bardzo poetyckim wizerunku. Powiewala na lekkim wietrze i wowczas usiadl przedemna mezczyzna ktory wzial ja w "ramiona" i czytal.
Tak wiec, w wierszu, czytajac najpierw o romansie dwojga ludzi ktory, poniewaz tak krotki ze az nazwany papierowym ...sproboj wyobrazic sobie co moglaby 'czuc GAZETA' i zaskakulacym efektem jest obraz mezczyzny rozstajacego sie a kochanka.

English: 'Paper's romance'
It's my favourite, I was sitting at the train when writing 'Paper's romance', it was freezing but charming at the same time. On the opposite sit, there was a morning newspaper average view but seemed magical at the same time. Al of the sudden a beam of the rising sun and I could see 'her' in a very poetic light. She was blown by a gentle wind and then a man sat in fron of me and took the paper 'into his arms' and started dearing.
And therefore, in my poem while you're reading about a romance between two people at first, which I called 'paper's romance' because of its instability, try to imagine and relate it to how would a newspaper 'feel' and the suprising effect is a picture
of a man leaving his lover.

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